Monday, July 9, 2007

Wish Fulfillment

Did not get the lead in Pillowman. Ouch. Really wanted that one. It's wanting that fucks us up. Call that a Zen realization. God damn wish fulfillment. Oh well.

Striking Southern Gentleman gave me some straight talk on Sunday. He told me "you need to move on." Which is great advice and totally true. Although it was hard to move on without any definite word, when there was still the possibility, still the hope. Ugh. Hope. But I got the official word tonight. Ah well, I am moving on, but part of moving on is accepting the loss, feeling the grief, then waking up ok tomorrow.

I am going to appear on the Le Petit stage some day soon. Look how much progress I've already made in New Orleans. And I've only been here 8 months!

I just contacted another director, Michael Martin, to see if he'll still have me. I think he will, the question is when, either in August or late Fall. We're having drinks on Wednesday to talk. I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Try not thinking about yourself so much.....and perhaps others will start thinking more about you.

Frederick Mead said...
